Excerpts from the books authored by Khanbahadur Ahsanullah
Advocate REAGAN
Excerpts from the books authored by Khanbahadur Ahsanullah
1. “Social service should ideally be the prime objective of literature. But unfortunately, violation of this aim is noticed on many occasions. Literature should be aimed at refining the taste, not corrupting the taste, With the help of literature, we have to clear the path of future development of our society.” –Bangabhasha-O-Musalman Shahitya
1. “Social service should ideally be the prime objective of literature. But unfortunately, violation of this aim is noticed on many occasions. Literature should be aimed at refining the taste, not corrupting the taste, With the help of literature, we have to clear the path of future development of our society.” –Bangabhasha-O-Musalman Shahitya
2. “The follower (of a saint) who can surrender himself to the Almighty, can establish himself in a more elevated position than the saint. Therefore, to look down on one’s follower and take undue privilege from him, is an act of folishness. The relation between the two is a divine one, not a worldly one. A follower takes the aid of a peer or a saint only to reach the Almighty. The saint, therefore, should always keep in mind that he is an emissary only, not the provider. He is an intermediary, not an authority.” — Amar Shiksha-O-Diksha
3. “Where ever we look at nature, we notice the enormous benevolence and the gifts of the Creator. The more science will go on unfolding the mysteries of nature, the more we will become aware about this gift and benevolence of the Creator. The creative process reflects the great kindness, power and enormity of the Almighty.” — Islamer Daan
4. “It is essential for one to follow the rules of religion to achieve refinement of the soul. For someone who wants to find out the relation between the immediate spirit and the eternal soul, who wants to feel the presence of the Almighty in all His creations, who wants to have a taste of the eternal life in this temporal world, who wants to engross into prayers wholeheartedly — abiding by the principles of religion is essential for him.”– Tariqat Shiksha
5. “The soul is like a shining mirror. Acts of sin robs the natural clarity of the soul and adds stigma to it. So, the Divine-ray does not reflect on that mirror. Remorse, shame and repentance or tauba are the only remedies for the soul.” — Sufi
6. “It is a mark of greatness to be humble and show humility during exchange of words with others. The softer one’s heart is, the less harsh one’s words will be. Harsh words are the signs of arrogance. It is, therefore, a matter of great shame and ignominy when a truly religious person speaks to others harshly, looks down on others with disdain and resorts to cruelty and lies. A person who cannot lower his head in respect to other human beings, also cannot offer his heart in the court of the Almighty.” — Bhakter Patra
7. “Each one of you is like a ruler and one day each one of you will have to account for your actions as a ruler. The monarch is a ruler and he shoulders the responsibility of his subjects. In the real life drama of the family, the person who lords over his family, will also be held accountable and made to answer on how well he looked after his family members. In the husband’s house, sometimes the wife is seen to emerge as the ruler and this will make her account for her deeds. Even the servant can sometimes become a ruler and he also has to account for the responsibilities that are vested on hirn.” — Bangla Hadis Sharif
8. “Maya or longing is the main hindrance to reaching the source of the hidden power. Occasional longings put a tab on the regular source of power and strength. The Almighty has given all human being the essential hidden power. He wants that by exercising that hidden power given by Him, human beings come out victorious against the forces of worldly desires and longings. The creation of human desires and longings also testifies to the benevolence of the Almighty. If there were no tests or trials, then there would not have been any justification for crime and punishment, hell and heaven and the aim of creation would have remained incomplete. Every reward, therefore, entails a hard test. On the Day of Judgement, the Almighty will be present as the examiner to judge the rewards and the punishments, it is His wish.” — Aamar Shiksha-O-Diksha
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